Friday, March 9, 2012

TKAM Chapter 10 Discussion

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Chapter 9 Discussion Question

Qs: Look up the word irony. How does this literary term apply to this chapter? What is the ironic situation? Why do you think Atticus doesn't own a gun? 

Directions: Discuss the facts and your opinion. Respond to at least 2 other classmate's posts. Consider the following: Why doesn't Atticus seem to like guns? Who is Tim Johnson? What is wrong with him? Why does Sheriff Tate get Atticus' help?

Deadline: 8:30 a.m. Monday, March 12, 2012.


  1. It's ironic that Atticus has to shoot a gun even though he doesn't like them. Atticus doesn't enjoy guns because he feels like he has an unfair advantage over animals. For instance, when he was called down by Sheriff Tate to shoot the rabid dog named Tom Johnson. After he killed the dog, the kids couldn't believe their dad would ever do that, and their view about him changed after that moment.

    1. You took the words right out of my "mouth"(keyboard).

    2. Ya, that's why it's ironic. Because he doesn't like shooting guns but he is famous for it.

    3. Holly, that is the best way to state it. He doesn't like guns, but he's known for his shot? Ironic..

    4. Yes, agree with Sammie completely.
      Irony in not liking the skill that he is know for.

      --Sorry so late, iPad wasn't working properly. I had to wait to use a computer to post this.--

      This is Dani

  2. Irony means the use of words to covey a meaning that is opposite of it's actually meaning. The ironic situation is Atticus Finch shooting the dog with rabies, Tom Johnson, when he doesn't like guns. The sherrif calls Atticus to come help because he was called "Ol' One-Shot" because he was one of the best shooters in the town when he was younger. Also once his children found this out their views on him changed completely.

    1. I agree with this except for that his children have a different view on him now. Yes they did just find something out about him that they never knew he could do. But he is still the same old same old Atticus to them. They may have a lot of questions for him but I feel like they do not view him differently.

    2. I agree with Ashley. I think they would have never expected from Atticus that he can shoot a gun. I think Scout will be proud of it and tell her friends at school even Jem said she isn't allowed.

    3. I don't know if I'd say the children's view on Atticus has changed COMPLETELY, but I do believe they don't look at him the same way. Atticus has the ability to end a life with one shot, he has the talent. His children are not going to look at him with the same "fragile" view.

    4. I agree with Sammie, she makes a point in her comment there about how his kids probably think and feel about their father now.

    5. Yeah, the views changed, the kids were surprised and Atticus was 'pushed'.
      I don't really see Scouts view make a complete turn around but Jem sure did. He looks up to him more now, doesn't just see him as the old dad that can't throw a football.

      --Sorry so late, iPad wasn't working properly. I had to wait to use a computer to post this.--

      This is Dani

  3. Irony is the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.

    The ironic situation was that Attitus hasn't shot a gun for 30 years. Jem and Scout were talking about that Atticus isn't good in anything and if you compare him to other kids' dads at school he is very different. But suddenly there was a rabid dog and someone had to shoot this dog. The sheriff couldn't do it and so they asked Atticus to shoot. He shot the dog with one shoot and everybody was very impressed.

    Atticus doesn't have a gun because he thinks he has an unfair advantage over animals and he doesn't like to fight with anybody. He likes it peaceful. Jem and Scout's view has changed a lot, because they saw their dad with a gun the first time in their life. Atticus has been a very good gun shooter since he was little. He decided that he doesn't want to shoot anything as long as it's not necessary. But he knew, that it's necessary to shoot this dog, because otherwise the dog would hurt someone.

    1. Very well explained Elke, I completely agree with your post

    2. I agree with all of this. He did what he did to protect his neighbors.

    3. Ya, this is why Atticus is my hero. He respects nature and only shot the dog to protect his family and friends. :)

    4. It must have been very hard for Atticus to do something he hasn't done in so long and especially since he despises guns. He is a very brave man. I agree with Elke's comment.

    5. You explained this very well Elke! I agree with everything you said.

    6. Elke I thought you explained it very well and I too agree.

    7. THis very well explained. I totally agree

  4. It is ironic that Atticus knows how to shoot a gun and that he still has the shot he had many years ago. I feel like he doesn't have a gun because he doesn't need one. He doesn't go out picking fights with anyone and he is real casual in everything he does. He also may not have wanted his children to know how good he is with a gun, those years are over and he has moved on from that.

    1. I agree with what you think about Atticus. He is a very down to earth man who people respect and have high regards for.

    2. I agree with you both. I think to shoot a gun isn't anything Atticus enjoys. He looks at it more like as it is work and not fun. But he shot the dog, because he knew he had to do it.

    3. I agree with you. Atticus is a very nice and honest man who doesn't cause trouble. He doesn't need a gun.

    4. I agree with you Katie. His times with a gun are over so there is no need for his kids to know how good he is with a gun. He is past that. There are many people that have things they are good at but just don't talk about because it really isn't important for anyone to know, especially if they have moved on from it.

    5. I agree with you Katie. A man like Atticus is a good man and I don't think anyone would want to inflict harm on him or his family.

  5. Jem and Scout notice that he doesn't do anything but read and go to the office. Atticus isn't proud that he was the deadest shot in Maycomb County. He thought that he had an unfair advantage over animals. The kids were shocked that there dad could do that. Jem and Scout learned that Atticus doesn't brag about all his accomplishments.

    1. Yep, Atticus is very humble (:
      He is an amazing single father.

    2. He is a good dad but he could have at least told his kids that he is a good shot

  6. It's ironic that Atticus has to shoot a gun, since he isn't proud of being the "dead shot". As Miss Maudie said "People in their right minds never take pride in their talents". He doesn't want his kids to have guns.

    1. It isn't the fact that he does want his kids to have guns he just wants them to use them as a last resort for a situation like the one we are discussing. He lets them have air rifles just as long as they don't kill a mocking bird.

    2. I agree with what the both of you have to say. Although I feel like Atticus does want his kids to have the rifles to get used to them and know what the things are. He is a noble man and knows why he would give his children the rifles.

  7. A technIque of indicating, as though charcter or plot development, an intention or attitude opposite to that Is actully expected. Because he is a civilized man not like the other dads who kill for fun he only does it if he must. Tom Johnson was a dog and he had rabies. He is the best shot in the county

  8. Five techniques a writer uses to convey characterization: physical description (Atticus is old, calm, wears suits, etc.) What a character says ("walk around in his skin for awhile". What a character does (agrees to accept the Tom Robinson case). The characters thoughts (we only know Atticus' thoughts through Scout's since she's the narrator). What others say about the character (he's the same in the streets as he is in his house/ there are some people in life who are asked to be the angels for the rest of us, he was called one-eyed Finch, Sheriff Tate knew the town's people were in danger and wanted to make sure the rabid dog was killed properly, so he asked Atticus to do the shooting).

  9. Is the author making a statement about guns? Some people prefer to hunt with bows and arrows because they feel that it is more challenging and therefore more fair to the animals. What's your views on hunting?

    1. My view on hunting is that it is more of a thrill to hunt with bows. When shooting something with a bow you feel more accomplished rather than shooting it with a gun.

    2. I prefer to use my bare hands, that more challenging. Just kidding I hunt for the delight of eating wild game and do my part in population control.

  10. BTW...I'm not swearing. The computer decided to whack out on the apostrophe in my @#$ ^%@# name.

  11. Irony relates to this chapter simply because Atticus was asked by the sheriff to shoot down a dog Tom Johnson that had rabies because he has the best shot in town, yet he doesn't own a gun or shot one for years. Atticus doesn't need a gun because there is no need for him to have one with the life he lives. He doesn't have time for any type of violence unless it's absolutely needed or called upon him. Also, he wouldn't want his kids having a big idea of how good he is with a gun. It's just not important for them to know because Atticus doesn't own one nor ever use one.

    1. I agree, Atticus is old and calm and doesn't need a gun unless it is absolutely needed, he doesn't want his kids to know maybe because he wants to set a good example for them.

    2. I agree with Toni and Joey. He doesn't want his kids to know because he wants to show them that you don't need to be able to shoot an animal to have a successful life.

    3. I agree with all your comments.

  12. Irony means when something happens that is not expected from a character. What is ironic about Atticus is that he absolutely hates guns and he hates shooting them but he is the deadliest shot in all of Maycomb and he shoots the dog with such an accurate precision. I think Atticus doesn't own a gun because he feels that his talent is more of a burden to him and his humble ways.

  13. It's ironic cause he hates guns but can out shoot any one.

  14. It's ironic because he is against guns but he is a really good shot

    1. I agree with that comment.

    2. I agree with this to how do you hate guns but shoot them so well.

  15. It's ironic that he shoots agin when he doesn't like guns in the first place

    1. I don't think that its as much that he doesn't like guns, I think that something must of happened to Atticus to put the guns down and leave them alone for so long.

  16. It's ironic to Jem and Scout that the officer had Atticus shoot the mad dog. Apparently Atticus old nickname was ol one shot. He found out when he was young it was unfair to the animals to hunt. When Atticus shot doves long ago if he missed one out of fifteen he thought he wasted ammo.

    1. I agree with Mitch that it is ironic that the sheriff (who is around guns all day) wants Atticus to shoot the dog.

    2. I agree with that to that is so ironic

  17. That is ironic that he hasn't shot a gun over all those years, but I think that there is more to it than what meets the eye.

  18. Atticus didn't like guns. It's irony that he had to shoot the puppy.

  19. Irony is when you say something and mean the opposite of it. That Atticus has not used a gun in a long time. He was the best shot in Maycomb, and his kids were impressed they because his father was so humble

  20. Irony is a statement that imply a meaning in opposition to their literal meaning. It's ironic how Atticus shot the gun even though he hates guns. The sheriff made Atticus shoot the rabid dog because he had the best aim and he was known as the One-Shot Finch. I believe that Atticus doesn't own a gun because he thinks he has an unfair advantage over animals. Atticus's children had no idea that their father would shoot the dog and they were shocked.

  21. It is very ironc that Atticus was a very good shot and that he probably used to love guns when he shot them but now he chooses not to shot anymore and does not care for guns. The reason that he does not own a gun is because he may not believe in using them anymore. Something must of happened to Atticus for him to just stop using guns.

    1. Atticus stopped using guns because he was to utterly amazing at shooting, that he felt it was unfair for the wild life.

  22. Irony is when the complete opposite of what you expected happens.

    The irony here is that Atticus was known to not like guns to his children, yet he was actually known as 'Ole-one-shot' by the grown folk, as it was relived with the sheriff giving him the gun saying he didn't think that he could make it like he could and killed that rabid dog that was terrorizing them.

    The kids sorta look at him differently, Jem has more respect for Atticus now(wants to be like him)

    --Sorry so late, iPad wasn't working properly. I had to wait to use a computer to post this.--

    This is Dani

  23. The irony is, it wasn't believed Atticus could shoot or do much of anything. But he shoots a rabid dog with only one shot. What does Atticus need a gun for? He's a beast and could've killed that rabid dog with his bare hands.

  24. The irony in this chapter is as most people have stated, Atticus doesn't like guns, but oddly enough has they best shot around. Atticus doesn't like guns and does not own one, but when the time comes he is not hesitant to use his gift of shooting to kill a rabid dog in one shot.

  25. Atticus doesn't like guns which is known by everyone in town, and his kids are mad about that, but yet he has the best shot in town. That is the irony of this chapter

  26. As I stated in previous comments, it's very ironic that he was once the best shot and no longer shoots let a lone has a gun. He laughed when the children brought up that he should borrow one form someone to protect himself, but Atticus wouldn't do that, he doesn't have anything to worry about.
